Sahasra Deepalankarana Seva
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Sahasra Deepalankara (1000 Candle decoration) seva is the only
daily seva that is performed outside the temple. The seva is
performed in the Unjal mantapam located on the south eastern
corner of the Srivari Temple at 1730 hrs every day evening. Sri
Malayappa swami along with Sridevi and Bhudevi are taken out in
procession where one thousand wick lamps are lit. The lord is
seated in an unjal in the midst of the lamps and Annamaya
Sankirtanas and vedic hymns are sung to the newly wed God and
Goddesses. On occasions, group dance (typically from Karnataka,
though not restricted) is also held. As a recent practice, after the
Sahasra Deepalankarana seva, the Lord and his consorts are taken
on a procession on the 4 streets surrounding the temple, before he
is taken inside the temple complex.
The ticket holders are given vastra bahumanam and 5 small laddus for this seva. At the conclusion of the seva, the
ticket holders are also sent for the darshan of the main deity in the sanctum sanctorum. The duration of the seva is 30